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This repo is the main portal for documentations and discussions on product, development and community roles. General issues that do not fit in specific repos should also submitted here, for example new feature proposals that require client and server coupling. You can also join us on community maintained Discord.

Some useful resources in this repo:

Server API

Matters uses GraphQL for the API layer. Read the API documention and test queries and mutations in Apollo playground. A short introduction can be found here.


Architecture diagram, rendered from [drawio file](/developer-resource/doc/architecture-diagram.drawio)

After cloning this repo, you can view the SchemaSpy generated database documentation by opening doc/db/index.html.


The following are major reposories used by




Peer 2 peer clients

Matters is actively finding better ways to deliver content in p2p protocols. Below are some related clients.

Community projects

Hall of Fame

We would like to thank everyone on the following list for making our products more secure. You can add yourself by making a pull request.