constructor(string propertyName_, string propertySymbol_, uint256 totalSupply_, uint256 taxRate_, uint256 treasuryShare_, uint256 mintTax_, address currencyAddress_)
(public)Create Property contract, setup attached currency contract, setup tax rate.
totalSupply() → uint256
(public)See {IERC20-totalSupply}.
Always return total possible amount of supply, instead of current token in circulation.
setTotalSupply(uint256 totalSupply_)
(external)Update total supply of ERC721 token.
setTaxConfig(enum ITheSpaceRegistry.ConfigOptions option_, uint256 value_)
(external)Update global tax settings.
setTreasuryRecord(uint256 accumulatedUBI_, uint256 accumulatedTreasury_, uint256 treasuryWithdrawn_)
(external)Update UBI and treasury.
setTokenRecord(uint256 tokenId_, uint256 price_, uint256 lastTaxCollection_, uint256 ubiWithdrawn_)
(external)Set record for a given token.
setColor(uint256 tokenId_, uint256 color_, address owner_)
(external)Set color for a given token.
emitTax(uint256 tokenId_, address taxpayer_, uint256 amount_)
(external)Emit {Tax} event
emitPrice(uint256 tokenId_, uint256 price_, address operator_)
(external)Emit {Price} event
emitUBI(uint256 tokenId_, address recipient_, uint256 amount_)
(external)Emit {UBI} event
emitTreasury(address recipient_, uint256 amount_)
(external)Emit {Treasury} event
emitDeal(uint256 tokenId_, address from_, address to_, uint256 amount_)
(external)Emit {Deal} event
mint(address to_, uint256 tokenId_)
(external)Mint an ERC721 token.
burn(uint256 tokenId_)
(external)Burn an ERC721 token.
safeTransferByMarket(address from_, address to_, uint256 tokenId_)
(external)Perform ERC721 token transfer by market contract.
exists(uint256 tokenId_) → bool
(external)If an ERC721 token has been minted.
isApprovedOrOwner(address spender_, uint256 tokenId_) → bool
(external)If an address is allowed to transfer an ERC721 token.
transferFrom(address from_, address to_, uint256 tokenId_)
(public)See {IERC721-transferFrom}.
Override to collect tax and set price before transfer.
safeTransferFrom(address from_, address to_, uint256 tokenId_, bytes data_)
(public)See {IERC721-safeTransferFrom}.
tokenURI(uint256 tokenId_) → string uri
(public)See {IERC721-tokenURI}.
transferCurrency(address to_, uint256 amount_)
(external)Perform ERC20 token transfer by market contract.
transferCurrencyFrom(address from_, address to_, uint256 amount_)
(external)Perform ERC20 token transferFrom by market contract.