

Access Control List Manager is a role-based access control mechanism.

Each role can be granted to an address. All available roles are defined in Role enum.


hasRole(enum IACLManager.Role role, address account) → bool (external)

Returns true if account has been granted role.

grantRole(enum IACLManager.Role role, address newAccount) (external)

Grant role to a account (newAccount).

Cannot grant Role.aclManager.

Access: only Role.aclManager. Throws: RoleRequired, Forbidden or ZeroAddress error.

transferRole(enum IACLManager.Role role, address newAccount) (external)

Transfers role to a new account (newAccount).

Acces: only current role address. Throws: RoleRequired, or ZeroAddress error.

renounceRole(enum IACLManager.Role role) (external)

Revokes role from the role address.

Role.aclManager can not be revoked.

Access: only current role address. Throws: RoleRequired or Forbidden error.


RoleTransferred(enum IACLManager.Role role, address prevAccount, address newAccount)

Role is transferred to a new address.
